Lynn Kirkham concentrating while preparing for a public speaking engagement.

Master Public Speaking and Leadership Amid Challenges

March 20, 20241 min read

'Keep Your Cool' Personal Brand

Building a strong personal brand isn't just about appearances; it's about how you carry yourself, especially when faced with challenges.

Consider this: how do you show up when the waters aren't calm? Your reaction can significantly impact others' perceptions of you.

I recall an instance at a conference where a speaker captivated me with his presentation. Yet, moments later, I witnessed him in a meltdown. My immediate trust dissolved, and I hesitated to engage further.

8 Reasons

Breakdowns are inevitable, but they needn't derail your progress. Find a private space to process emotions, then return to your public presence. Ground yourself, reconnect with your purpose, and breathe.

Speaking your truth is vital, but maintaining composure while doing so fosters trust, confidence, and effective leadership.

Remember, breakdowns happen; that’s a part of life.

It’s up to you to be sure that it doesn’t derail the blood, sweat, and tears that it took you to get where we are today. If you can't keep your cool, find a private space to express yourself, then find your center and return to your public presence.

Remember to breathe, connect with your bigger purpose, and ground your energy deep into your body.
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

I’m not saying that it’s not okay to speak your truth, it is - just do it in a way that enables you to stay present and connected with yourself and those around you. The ability to hold steady in spite of triggering emotions builds trust, confidence and solid leadership.

I've been where you are. Trembling at the thought of telling my story. Horrified to stand in front of a crowd expecting inspiring words. Afraid to embrace my voice and share my message with the world.

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