A confident public speaker presenting smiling in front of an audience

Speak with Ease and Impact: 6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance

September 27, 20246 min read

6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance

A confident public speaker presenting smiling in front of an audience

Feeling unheard and struggling with public speaking is such a common challenge but it doesn't have to hold you back any longer.

With the right tools and strategies, you can unleash your speaking potential and transform your communication skills for good.

If you’ve been experiencing nervousness, self-doubt, and your mind going blank when speaking in public, my newly released video, “6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance” can help you overcome your anxiety and communicate with more confidence, connection, resonance, and heart.

I Was Once Scared of Being in the Spotlight

Lynn smiling at the beach

There was a time when just the thought of speaking to a group terrified me.

My inner critic was so loud that I was constantly questioning what others were thinking of me and would freak out at the thought of being rejected for not saying things right.

Every time I thought this way, I would literally shake in my boots and disconnect from myself and my audience.

Speaking to even a super small group felt like I was having an out-of-body experience.

I just wanted to get it over with as fast as possible because I felt my words didn’t matter, and because of that, I struggled to capture anyone’s attention.

Then one day I had an epiphany and realized my fight or flight reactions were all rooted in past experiences, especially with my mother, who growing up would often criticize me. 

To overcome these challenges, I had to do some deep personal work.

First, I needed to identify what my inner critic was saying and figure out why the heck it was there.

By acknowledging and accepting that my negative self-talk was linked to past experiences, I began to let go of my limiting beliefs, and consciously replace thoughts like "I’m not good enough" with "I am more than good enough.”

Next, I practiced grounding myself so that I could stay present and connect with my audience.

I learned to make genuine eye contact, which gave me permission to be seen and show up fully.

Believing in my voice and message was the key.

Finally, I shifted my mindset from fear of judgment to serving my audience, which allowed me to step into a flow state where the right words came naturally.


A Blueprint To Master Your Inner Confidence

This is the reason I created the "6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance," a practical guide designed to help you overcome your fear of public speaking and become a more resonant communicator.

Whether you’re a leader, an entrepreneur, or a professional in any field, this video is tailored to meet your needs. It provides practical strategies and insights that you can apply immediately to transform your speaking skills.

In this video training, I share my proven techniques for building confidence and resonance in your speaking.

From understanding and managing your fears to connecting with your audience on a deep level, these steps provide a comprehensive approach to public speaking.

You’ll discover how to capture and maintain your audience’s attention, ensuring that your message resonates deeply with them.

Let me share a bit about what you’ll get from the video:

Calming Your Inner Critic

The most important words we hear are the words we tell ourselves, and one of the first things to address is the inner critic.

If you constantly undermine or tell yourself that what you have to say isn’t important, you’ll sabotage your potential contributions and feel defeated.

Identifying and releasing these limiting beliefs is crucial because they can continue to trigger anxiety and silence your voice. 

Embracing Authenticity

Authenticity is the heartbeat of confident speaking, and people are drawn to speakers who are genuine and relatable.

Learning to embrace and express your voice authentically requires letting go of the need for perfection and focusing on sharing your unique voice and perspective.

Preparation and Practice are Key

If you want to be a confident and resonant speaker, preparation and practice play a huge part.

This doesn’t mean memorizing your speech word for word. Instead, it’s about understanding your material deeply and practicing so you can be comfortable delivering it.

This will help you manage anxiety and stay grounded.

Grounding Your Physical Presence

How you show up physically affects you and your audience.

Maintaining a strong body posture with a tall spine and feet firmly planted on the ground directly affects how you’re perceived and how your words flow.

Make sure your body language communicates confidence and assurance.

Like we always tell our students, "Your presence speaks louder than your words."

Connecting Deeply with Your Audience

When you understand who your audience is, what they care about, and how to engage, you’ll be able to connect on a deeper level.

This involves not only crafting your message to resonate with them, but also using body language, eye contact, and emotion to maintain their interest and intrigue throughout your presentation.

Believing in Yourself

As Henry Ford wisely said, “If you believe you can, or you can’t, you’re right.” Preparing your mind, body, and spirit so you believe in your ability to deliver is essential for captivating your audience.

One simple way to prepare is to take just a few minutes to write about a core value that matters to you. This can help reconnect you with yourself, allowing you to speak from your heart.

Focus on Serving Your Audience

When you channel your energy into serving your audience, you can transcend your fears and deliver a truly impactful message.

There’s a story about a child trapped under the wheel of a car, and their mother, in a moment of superhuman strength, lifted the car to save them. She was completely focused on being of service.

You have that same power within you. 

Committing to your audience is key, and keeping them as the center of focus will help you build trust and speak from your heart.

By embracing these principles, you can master your mindset and step into your true potential as a confident, authentic, and resonant communicator.

You’ll experience a profound transformation in your public speaking skills. 

Imagine feeling confident and connected every time you step in front of an audience – capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention, leaving a lasting impression with your heartfelt and resonant communication.

You’ll gain this power with our 6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance.

Real Transformation

“Before I went through the Inspired Speaker Program, I would unconsciously go quiet, shrink my light, and feel unworthy of being seen when I was around high-level executives. What I learned was that these beliefs came from old narratives and stories I had created from my childhood. After completing CORE Repatterning, Level I and II, I’m now able to speak confidently and authentically no matter who my audience is, and the best part is I never second guess my self-worth anymore.” ~ Amy Johnson

If you’d like to learn more and put these concepts into practice, here’s a link to get the video training  >>>  6 Steps to Speaking with Confidence and Resonance.

To help you take immediate action, we’ve created a downloadable ebook called, “The Confident Speaker Blueprint.”

Because this is where the real transformation happens.

I’m looking forward to seeing you stand out, speak up, and make a real difference.

I believe in you!


I've been where you are. Trembling at the thought of telling my story. Horrified to stand in front of a crowd expecting inspiring words. Afraid to embrace my voice and share my message with the world.

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